Neem kernel oil holds so many benefits, it’s pressing to mention all of them without creating a novel of its many uses. Everything from anti-bacterial foot creams, topical applications for numerous skin issues, and even dental care in some countries – Neem Oil pretty much holds a wide range of benefits in the natural-medicinal field. It can even be used in the garden as a natural pest control. And no wonder there, if anything about neem is odd, it would certainly be its scent and extremely thick consistency. I cannot say that I personally hate the smell of neem, but I would guess that many would easily say that. If you are familiar with this oil, please note that it is extremely smelly and very thick (it is soft-solid at room temperature), and it’s a deep orange-green color.
Neem Oil holds extreme benefits in that its highly antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory. It is also used in combating acne issues as well as a host of other skin-related issues. Please note that though many countries use neem internally & orally in dental care, women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant should avoid using neem internally. External use of neem is said to be safe for both pregnant and women trying to become pregnant when used in ratios that are not at full concentration (such as in soap or facial formula that contains neem oil).
Whereas some websites cut other oils into their neem – to help them pour, etc. We don’t do that here. We feel if you are purchasing neem oil – you should get 100% pure Neem Oil. If you wish to make this a more pourable oil during the winter months, you certainly can add a liquid oil to it – but we’ll leave that up to you!
INCI: Azadirachta indica (neem) oil
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