Loofah Slices – Set of 20

Just about as all natural as you can get – this kit will supply you with what you need to make your own cool, exfoliating loofah soaps that make excellent hand soaps for working hands.

SKU: LOOFKIT-1 Category: Tags: , , ,


Loofa’s are apart of the gourd family.  They are grown, dried, then sliced.  These slices can be added to melt & pour or cold process soap bars designed for working hands like mechanics, gardeners, painters, etc.  I’ve also used these as all-natural scrub pads for the bathtub and sinks – they work great – just make sure you scent the soap with some sort of ‘cleansing’ essential oil, like peppermint, orange, or lemon.

You will receive 20 slices per set.


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